Monday, April 5, 2010


Indy Star Pulls Duke Illustration
The Herald Bulletin: April 3rd, 2010
By: Scott Underwood
This doesn't have a whole lot to do with journalistic story telling, but i thought it was a slightly amusing incident that occured in the Indianpolis star on April 2, 2010. Some 30,000 (or so I heard, not nesicarily from this article) copies of the Indianapolis Star went out before noticing how innapropriate the photo was.. The article did cover peoples strong emotion towards Duke, however upper management found this photo illustration to be over the top and decided to change the later issues that were printed that day. I found it quite surprising that this happened to a newspaper. I know newspapers go through a lot of editors and to just change it mid way though the day is surprising. According to the editor, the page was done by a page designer that works for the Star. When I had first heard about this, I heard that someone tampered with the publication before it went to print with out anybody knowing. However, with the hand and pen it was obviously an intentional design that really does correlate with the story, meaning multiple people had to see this before it went out to press. Anywho, one must wonder whta made them change their mind so late in the processes of printing that days newspaper?

1 comment:

  1. Yep. This is not what the line "Stop the presses" was invented for...
