Sunday, April 25, 2010

Looking at Multimedia

The above link will connect you to the article "South Africa Redoubles Efforts Against AIDS"

The one thing I would really like to discuss about this article is what we have been discussing in class. It is one of my favorite things and the new step for journalism. It is about inserting links, video, photo, audio to online articles. Online journalism has completely taken a turn to make interactivety easier on the user. One thing I liked about this article was the links on words such as South Africa and AIDS. These links to other pages occured throughout the article, including names and other locations. Once you click on these links you are able to find out more about the subject. The link to South Africa gives you the general information and other new stories that involve South Africa. Another thing I like about online journalism is the clarity of images. Photojournalism can now thrive on the internet because the photos are able to be seen with clarity rather than the fuzzyness that newspaper dots give the photographs. An example from the article is shown above.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Children and Philosophy

The Examined Life, Age 8

by: Abby Goodnough

This article is a light hearted philosophical view through children's eyes. It discusses that a Professor and his undergrad that go to a charter school and use children's books to discuss philosophy. Prof. Thomas E. Wartenberg believes that children can discuss philosophy at a young age and that through children's books they can learn to express themselves. I found this to be a very intriguing article and it was nice to read something that didn't have to do with death and war. Goodnough does a wonderful job in designing the flow of the article and a lovely introduction that engages you to keep reading.
"A few times each month, second graders at a charter school in Springfield, Mass., take time from math and reading to engage in philosophical debate. There is no mention of Hegel or Descartes, no study of syllogism or solipsism. "
This introduction makes you realize that these are just children but are still taking a very mature step in there life. The kids even said that it was nice to express themselves and that they ultimately loved to do this activity. So far Wartenberg has done this 6 times in the school system and believes that there is to many standards that teachers are trying to meet that they forget analyzing concepts can be a very important maturation step in life.
The impact of this article makes your realize that it is important to teach children other things then just math and science but that outside of the box thinking is very important to do.

Thursday, April 15, 2010


With Cars as Meth Labs, Evidence Litters Roads
by: Susan Saulny

"To get rid of your meth lab these days is to put it in a plastic bag, then throw it out the car window..."-William V. Wargo.

How classy is Indiana these days? Instead of blowing up their homes, they can now blow up their cars. Meth is being made on the move in vehicles and then tossed out windows. The story then goes into detail about why these meth labs are becoming transportable these days.

It was a nice journalistic stand point because it is very impactful. There is the chance that one of these people could be driving by you and possibly harm you or others. I think it is also an emotional peice with the possiblity of hurting others. In part of the article they described a dead deer next to a dumb site and they said it was because of the trash that was left. That is terribly sad.

Monday, April 5, 2010


Indy Star Pulls Duke Illustration
The Herald Bulletin: April 3rd, 2010
By: Scott Underwood
This doesn't have a whole lot to do with journalistic story telling, but i thought it was a slightly amusing incident that occured in the Indianpolis star on April 2, 2010. Some 30,000 (or so I heard, not nesicarily from this article) copies of the Indianapolis Star went out before noticing how innapropriate the photo was.. The article did cover peoples strong emotion towards Duke, however upper management found this photo illustration to be over the top and decided to change the later issues that were printed that day. I found it quite surprising that this happened to a newspaper. I know newspapers go through a lot of editors and to just change it mid way though the day is surprising. According to the editor, the page was done by a page designer that works for the Star. When I had first heard about this, I heard that someone tampered with the publication before it went to print with out anybody knowing. However, with the hand and pen it was obviously an intentional design that really does correlate with the story, meaning multiple people had to see this before it went out to press. Anywho, one must wonder whta made them change their mind so late in the processes of printing that days newspaper?